
Video: A Glorious Rant by Rachel Maddow on Media Coverage of Benghazi and Iraq

Nyet6/19/2014 5:04:33 am PDT

re: #378 Pie-onist Overlord

But tackling his argument seriously for a second.

True, Fhrerbefehl was a principle that overrode the laws on the books (acc. to which any murder of Jews was indeed murder, i.e. an illegal killing). So in a sense it was not legally murder if one accepts the Fhrerprinip as a legitimate legal principle (as the Nazis did). I obviously think the murder of Jews was also legally murder in Germany because I don’t accept the legitimacy of the Fhrerprinzip. Which Matt Barber apparently does.

There is, of course, no analogy to the Fhrerprinzip in the American jurisprudence.