
World's Craziest Bloggers Say LGF is 'Linked Up' with Neo-Nazis

Athos4/08/2009 10:45:23 am PDT

re: #356 avanti

Assume for a moment that I accept that and he maintains his high popularity by the constant campaigning, would you give me that a popular leader can get more done then a unpopular one ?
Then the only debate will be if he and his advisers chose the right things to get done. The one thing we can be sure of, is that the liberal agenda will be just as unpopular with the right as GW’s was to the left.

Wow, that is almost in the Obama level of being naive.

Popularity is fundamentally immaterial when it comes to defining and enacting policy. The left was incredibly popular in 2007 and in control of Congress, yet despite 41 efforts, could not either halt the surge or end the war in Iraq. Now a naive and populist President, with strong support from Congress, has significant challenges pushing his monetary agenda through Congress and is seeing declining popularity with his efforts at increasing statism.

So, rather than amend his approach, he goes to the campaign trail not only in this country but overseas - seeking popularity in exchange for giving up on what is best for the country or taking a true leadership position.

The definition of leadership is not to be the most popular, indeed, the true example of leadership is to succeed and promote one’s agenda making the difficult and unpopular decisions that are ultimately best for the country - not a select and limited few.