
Overnight Open Thread

jcm6/01/2009 5:44:59 am PDT

re: #380 iceweasel

Good for you.
I have no patience or time whatsoever for the kind of vegetarian or vegan who wants to go around telling other people what they can and can’t eat. I hate those people and hated them even when i was vegetarian.

Probably one of my core political principles is that we don’t invade other people’s privacy and we don’t interfere with their personal decisions. Do whatever you want in your bedroom or your kitchen or whatever, it’s none of my business. Worship any god, no god, many gods.

Don’t interfere with my liberty to make decisions, that’s all I ask.

To be slightly less harsh on this girl who harassed you, a lot of people in college are over-the-top and confrontational and then grow out of it. It’s almost like part of growing out of adolescence.

I went back to school after my first career fizzled out. Lot of fun being the cranky old conservative on a liberal campus.