
HuffPo: Crazy About Health

Birth Control Works7/29/2009 10:49:42 pm PDT

re: #374 JHW

Yes, I would agree that there are differences in individual practitioners , maybe the size of my area is not the most attractive for the best professionals in any field. We have the same problem recruiting M.D.s, a preponderance of newly minted foreign graduates lately.

We have a lot of that too. Actually, I think most, if not, all of my doctors are immigrants or minorities. But I think a large city attracts certain people who feel uncomfortable in rural america or small towns. There are also a lot of physicians still affiliated, in some way, with a major teaching hospital—I think there are about 5 I can think of—so they are also where the immigrants go for their education. And they don’t move far after they graduate.

The only complaint I have (besides insurance) is the drive.