
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

(I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)5/20/2010 11:28:58 pm PDT

re: #359 freetoken

Perhaps the Son is a bit naive, but I doubt the Father is so.

This tactic of exalting property ownership above others is a well-worn path. It is very much a Gary North / Lew Rockwell type of thing. It is a central doctrine of Libertarian Fundamentalism. It is also very medieval/feudal where the local knight/landlord rules absolutely over his domain.

The last point is interesting because even though the medieval/feudal lords had absolute rule over their domain, they did not own anything in it as property. Much like the authoritarian bureaucrats in socialist societies, feudal lords were able to command over production, distribution, consumption and accumulation by sheer force. But their possessions were not able to be executed or enforced against with universal laws. The dynamics of interest and credit (debiting, hypothecation, etc.) were largely lost. This has to do with property arising through the absolute rule of law before which all are equal. Only with no person having absolute power or rights above any other person, only with this absolute relativity of all persons and their property to each other do the full property rights and their entitlements come into power.

The idea that “absolute freedom” for some must mean absolute unfreedom for others and that any individual freedom in a society can only be relative is an idea few libertarians seem to get.