
Overnight Open Thread

blueraven4/25/2011 10:20:39 am PDT

Ludwig, I dont know a lot about the whole situation in the ME, so please dont take this as taking sides one way or the other.

But when you say this is Israels land because G-d gave it to them, that muddies the debate. In the USA we have people who say we are given our rights by G-d not by man or government. We have climate change deniers who say He would never allow the destruction claimed by those who believe in Global warming.We also have groups that use G-d to try to stop the rights of gays, interracial marriage, and so on. G-d given is a matter of faith and I have no doubt that all the groups who use this as fact, believe it.

It is not a truth, however, for all. And to use it so unequivocally seems inconsistent for a man of science and reason, even one who is a true believer.