
The Tom Tancredo-Robert Spencer-Pamela Geller Convergence

Birth Control Works9/29/2011 6:56:23 am PDT

re: #381 Obdicut

Yeah. I mean, I lived in SF when the dotcomm assholes tried to destroy the Mission and were barely held at bay by the old hippies and progressives and Latino leaders. Even so, a lot of the mission got whomped.

And these guys are my age. They’re mostly liberal. And they’re equally as short-sighted, or NIMBYish, or whatever you want to call it.

Heh. Maybe it’ll take another depression-era generation— the one that’s maturing right now— to smarten us up as a country.

I see a lot fewer people wanting to Keep Up With the Jones’s. People seem more concerned with keeping afloat and getting their kids thru school.