
Video: Landscapes, Volume Two

Fat Bastard Vegetarian10/12/2011 6:52:28 am PDT

re: #350 Simply Sarah

Well, that’s fine. I think that the problem is, however, when the people in the trenches work long, hard hours (12/15+ hours a day) and provider quite a bit of value to their companies, but make 1/300th of what those upper management types make.

I make 5x what the average employee at my company makes as a commissioned salesperson. I also return about 20x the profit that the average employee at my company makes.

I am worth much more to the company than the guy who unloads the truck, while he is also of great value to the company. They can find a hundred guys who can unload a truck. There are only a handful of guys/gals in the top ten percent of performers.

Was Steve Jobs worth so much more to Apple than the guy who worked long hours in an Apple Store? My answer? Fuck yes. More than 300x.