
Anti-Abortion Group Claims Scott Roeder is 'Not One of Us'

shwaiutah6/01/2009 9:30:39 pm PDT

I watched the video and it certainly makes me think it is an anti-abortion video, certainly not a “go out and kill an abortion doctor” video.
When the “pro-choice” individuals say that they need to have their choice protected, I wonder if they forgot about all the other choices that led to the pregnancy? I don’t know anyone that “just got pregnant.” They made out, groped (sic?), each other, removed the appropriate clothing, chose not to use birth control and had intercourse. Now, one could argue that some pregnancies do occur with birth control. Fair enough. But I am pretty sure that NO ONE has ever gotten pregnant without having sex.
I am religious, I don’t condone killing the abortion “doctor” and I think that the guy who killed him should be put in the electric chair.
But just to be a smart alec for a minute, according to Janeane Garofalo anyone who is conservative is “brain damaged,” ergo, the guy who killed the doctor and is “anti-abortion” and likely “conservative” is likely not accountable for his actions and should be put into a mental institution until he can be “fixed.” It wasn’t his fault!
OF COURSE NOT! That guy made his choice and should be held accountable. I think the dr. will be, too, but not in this realm. I do believe there will be a special place in hell for the guy, but the shooter is going to be right there with him.