
The Kindle Controversy in Detail

CynicalConservative7/21/2009 8:50:47 pm PDT

re: #377 ShanghaiEd

Hey, Poteen: Another book-smell lover, here!

Once, I was driving home after leaving the bookstore with a haul of brand-new books and just couldn’t wait any longer to sniff them.

When a red light caught me, I took the books out of the sack one by one and inhaled their goodness. (With my particular family nose, I can pick up a whole lot of goodness at once.)

Afterward, I noticed that the teenagers in the next car were staring at me with a look of befuddlement. Lord only knows what kind of perversion they thought I was up to. :)

That’s something I would do too. Something I can agree with you on for once. Books != Politics.