
The Two Million Protester Myth and the Right Wing Blogosphere

princetrumpet9/16/2009 6:18:03 pm PDT

re: #378 Charles

Argh. What a bunch of laughable nonsense. They want me to post something about it too — well, I just might. But it’s not going to make them happy.

Dear Charles,

My point was less about it being two million but rather that it was likely far more than 60,000. I’m going on the perspectives of Michael Medved, Hugh Hewitt, and Dennis Prager, all three of whom were there. I’m also taking the perspective of people I know personally who went and felt that 60 to 70K was way low.

In reading from you and Kilgore all I’ve gotten back was how laughable it is but no one seems to do anything more than say just that. I’m sincerely asking a couple of questions, one of which is why it’s so damned difficult to find an aerial shot of this at its height?

It really has appeared that questioning anything around here automatically puts you in a Paulian/Nirther/Take My Gun to the Rally crowd. I don’t get why that has to be the case especially when I and others don’t buy into any of that.

And by the way, don’t be to sure you know what makes me happy. A very brief explanation from someone for whom I have had respect ever since I joined up would be one thing. I know you’re busy. That’s why I appreciate your time.