
Overnight Open Thread

lawhawk3/04/2010 7:43:03 am PST

re: #351 Obdicut

So, you consider it callous and flippant for me to call it the gold standard by comparison. Okay. I consider it ignorant to compare a mass murdering genocidal regime to a religious theocracy that didn’t engage in genocide and ethnic cleansing. Genocide and ethnic cleansing were more than sufficient events to warrant taking out Saddam Hussein in Iraq under the Genocide Convention, to which most of the world were signatories and to which the world was required to act as per those agreements. The failure to act sooner meant that many more lives were lost.

There was and is no such requirement for human rights violations that didn’t rise to the level of genocide and ethnic cleansing.

What then do you propose we do about Saudi Arabia’s human rights abuses, that I’ve repeatedly cataloged on LGF and my own blog - whether it was handing out lashes to rape victims, continuing misogyny, limiting free speech, etc.

Getting rid of the Saudi regime isn’t going to happen. You can’t get the US to topple it for fear that it would look like the infidels were taking out the regime tasked with the protection of Islam’s most holy sites. Reform from within is needed, but the regime has limited reforms and cracks down on reforms.

Pointing out that the Saudis engage in misogyny and that they routinely kill criminals is all well and good. Pointing out their human rights abuses is again all well and good, but to compare them to a genocidal regime? Not so good.