
Newt Gingrich in 2007: Urgent Action Needed to Address Climate Change

tshinkle12/04/2011 7:22:44 pm PST

Newt is exactly right to say that blindly following the global warming hysteria was one of the dumbest things he’s ever done. Like a lot of us he didn’t realize the Left had hijacked the last area they hadn’t ruined - the natural sciences.

AGW assumes that three things are going on:

1. The world is warming
2. It’s caused by man
3. The warming will be catastrophic

As each day passes more and more scientists are questioning all 3 postulates. The latest was Friday’s column from the leading sea level expert (and yes, he’s a scientist) saying sea level’s aren’t rising more than 1MM per year - very similar to the rise for the past 3 centuries - and there is no measured threat.

The Left calling any skeptic the name of “anti-science” sounds weirdly reminiscent to the Marxist professors who called anybody who didn’t accept the natural progression from capitalism to communism “anti-science”. But that’s always what the Left has been good at - name calling and vilifying the right. If