
Gil Scott-Heron Visualized: 'Where Did The Night Go'

Talking Point Detective1/13/2012 7:04:35 am PST

Don’t know if it has previously been linked.

An interesting counterpoint to Romney’s rhetoric:

Mitt Romney no stranger to tax breaks, subsidies
Bain Capital profited from a steel company that got them, and he used them to attract business when he governed Massachusetts

Reporting from Washington—
As Mitt Romney defends his record running a private equity firm, he frequently points to a fast-growing Indiana steel company, financed in part by Bain Capital, that now employs 6,000 workers.

What Romney doesn’t mention is that Steel Dynamics also received generous tax breaks and other subsidies provided by the state of Indiana and the residents of DeKalb County, where the company’s first mill was built.

The story of Bain and Steel Dynamics illustrates how Romney, during his business career, made avid use of public-private partnerships, something that many conservatives consider to be “corporate welfare.” It is a commitment that carried over into his term as governor of Massachusetts, when he offered similar incentives to lure businesses to his state.

Yet as he seeks the GOP presidential nomination, he emphasizes government’s adverse effects on economic growth.

If Republican voters actually care about the principles they espouse (as opposed to suffering from ODS), then something like this would be a big hit for Romney - causing them to not vote for him if he gets the nomination.

Excuse me if I don’t hold my breath waiting for that to happen.