
Glenn Beck: "America Is Down on the Ground... She's Gurgling... Aughhhh"

Decatur Deb3/06/2013 7:57:54 pm PST

re: #381 Dark_Falcon

The thing is our options are rather limited. The forces of Radical Islam are not willing to make any kind of peace with us, and won’t be willing to do so for the foreseeable future no matter what course we adopt. So we can’t make peace, but neither can we actually destroy our enemies without adopting scorched earth tactics that the US profoundly does not wish to employ and that would get us seen (with justice) as monsters were we to do so.

So, no peace and no victory, which means the only thing we can do is hope to keep Radical Islam throttled back to a minimum, and that going to mean occasional interventions and raids, what the Israelis now call “mowing the grass”. It’s the exact opposite of decisive battle, but its all we’ve got for the time being.

Or we can fight a kulturkampf with cultural tools. Sex, drugs, rock, booze, education, corruption, smart propaganda, and inter-generational strife.