
Overnight Ocean Thread

What, me worry?10/05/2009 8:51:45 am PDT

re: #310 Guanxi88

“A cat’s rage is beautiful, burning with pure cat flame, all its hair standing up and crackling blue sparks, eyes blazing and sputtering.”

Anyone who wants a better look into William S. Burroughs the man should read “The Cat Inside.” It’s amazing to think that the author of Naked Lunch could pen something so deeply moving and strange. An autobiography based on his life with cats.

Sorry to see what got off the Cat topic. I, for one, would enjoy a cat thread, but somehow I don’t think it’s pertinent :)

Ok, one cat story lol

A friend of mine was hospitalized for a month few years back and I and another friend took care of his house. He had 3 dogs, 10 cats (both in and out) an aviary with 20 birds, 2 bunnies and 3 fish ponds.

I had night duty so I go over there after work and I noticed something by the back door. I walk up to see half a squirrel. Very neatly, almost as if it had been cut in half. It’s little legs were splayed out and the spine was sticking straight up from the bottom half making it look like a squirrel popsicle! As disgusted as I was, I couldn’t stop laughing

I’m making a note of the book, guan. Sounds very cool!