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Mad Prophet Ludwig5/03/2010 6:41:10 pm PDT

re: #339 windsagio

Hey ludwig, I have a semi-innocent question.

Do you think its possible to be too close to an issue to see it clearly?

Yes. Of course. However, this is one of those issues where any reasonable look at the facts will show you who the good guys are.

There was a two state solution from the start. It was rejected by five Arab armies in 1948 and several times after words with screams of killing all the Jews and driving us into the sea.

The Arabs attack indiscriminately and consider murdering women and children an operational aim and a victory. The Jews try their best - to the extent of risking the lives of their own soldiers in ways that even America would never do to prevent civilian casualties.

Most Jews actually do want peace. Most Arabs do not.

Jews live in a democracy… All Arab nations are monarchies or theocracies or just simply brutal dictatorships.

Jerusalem, for the first time since it was put to the torch by the Romans 2000 years ago has complete religious freedom for all faiths - now that we control it. Jerusalem is the most holy city of the Jewish faith. Try putting a church or a synagogue in Mecca.

Jews respect the rights of women and are very loud and vocal about not abusing them. Arabs will tell you the finer points of why G-d wants you to beat your wife. Do not even get me started on the status of women in the Arab world.

Jews do not publicly execute people in brutal medieval ways for daring to say something that the ruling theocracy dislikes. We do not have a theocracy or even executions - except for extreme cases.

I could make a much longer list but I sum it up in one line.

Jews fight with regret that they have to fight at all, in order to defend those they love.

Arabs love to fight and do so to murder those they hate.