
Pamela Geller Lashes Out: 'The Little Green Shew'

Killgore Trout7/23/2011 4:42:36 pm PDT

Robert Spencer fails in spectacular fashion….

Norway’s Aftenposten is blaming me, Bat Ye’or and Fjordman for Breivik’s mass murders — as if killing a lot of children aids the defense against the global jihad and Islamic supremacism, or has anything remotely to do with anything we have ever advocated.

For that matter, no one has explained or can explain how this guy’s supposed anti-jihad views have anything to do with his murdering children.

Scenario #1:

1. Islamic preachers and texts preach violence and hate.
2. Islamic jihadists kill people.
3. Media and Islamic spokesmen say that only Islamophobes think #1 is even happening, or if it is, that it has anything to do with #2.

Scenario #2:

1. Freedom fighters preach free speech, freedom of conscience and equality of rights for all people, against Sharia and Islamic supremacism that denies those rights, advocating only legal means of protest and dissent.
2. Some nutcase who allegedly expressed allegiance with the freedom fighters kills people, none of whom are preaching Sharia or Islamic supremacism.
3. Media assumes that #1 caused #2 and blames freedom fighters.

Heh. This is exactly what terrorists think they are doing. Fighting for freedom in extreme circumstances.