
Rage Furby Chuck C. Johnson Gets Suspended From Facebook for the Second Time This Year

lawhawk5/13/2016 10:36:16 am PDT

Well, this isn’t particularly surprising. Racism is really what’s driving Trump’s support. More than the economic “argument,” it’s about Trump getting at what really drives GOP support - fear that whites are falling behind - when that simply isn’t happening. Whites still enjoy far more rights and privileges than everyone else. That everyone else is catching up to share in the same equal rights and privileges under the law is what drives this fear.

Everyone else catching up means whites are falling behind according to the GOP/right wing worldview that they’ve been touting for years. Heaven forbid everyone else is entitled to the same protection under the law as written - including access to vote, equal protection under the law, etc. Blacks and other minorities finally get treated equally, and the GOP caterwauls that whites are losing rights.

It’s the same mindless BS that drives nonsense about how the stock market is down from when Obama took office, or that the economy is in worse shape now than then.