
Monday Night Blues Shred: Joe Bonamassa, "Angel of Mercy" Live at the Greek Theatre

Dr. Matt9/06/2016 9:48:37 am PDT

25 Sickest ‘Rob Lowe Roast’ Burns

9. [After Coulter bombs her set] “Ann, what happened — you wrote 11 books but you couldn’t write one fucking joke?” — Jeffrey Ross

5. “Ann [Coulter], after your set tonight, we’ve all witnessed the first bombing that you can’t blame on a Muslim.” — Rob Lowe

4. “Jeff Ross is going to party like it’s 1999; Ann Coulter is going to vote like it’s 1899.” — Jewel

1. “Everyone is asking, why is Ann Coulter here tonight? Because the right-to-lifers wanted everyone to see what abortion looks like up close.” — Rob Lowe

Coulter was absolutely slaughtered.