
The Reign of Kindo Tears Up the Studio: "Human Convention" [VIDEO]

Barefoot Grin12/24/2019 2:27:18 pm PST

When the topic of lamb came up I remembered that my mom likes it with mint sauce/jelly. So I googled the topic of why mint with lamb. Some compelling theories: actually a holdover from medieval thinking about combinations of foods under prevailing medical doctrine based on “humours”; they didn’t actually eat lamb, but ate mutton and had to have some thing to cover the strong taste; English law mandated it because it actually tasted horrible with the meat, commoners were getting a taste for lamb and it was cutting into England’s main export market—wool, but they didn’t outlaw the eating of lamb because it was a dish of the elite, but somehow people started to actually like it. All are compelling, but I like the English law theory. Remains inconclusive.