
Ask Bobby Jindal About His Creationism

Salamantis2/21/2009 10:26:15 am PST

re: #261 TradeBait

Arthur C. Clarke jumps to mind immediately.

Arthur C. Clarke was a sci-fi writer, not a working scientist.

As for the others, if they are teaching that life arose spontaneously, as they always do, are they not, in your opinion, denying any other possibility? What are the options they provide to the spontaneous generation of life on earth?

Provide the name of the schools and teachers where it is taught that life arises spontaneously. Oh, that’s right, you are asserting that ALL of them do. Perhaps you’re confused; perhaps you are futilely endeavoring to confuse others. The origin of SPECIES, that is their evolutionary diversification from a small set of very ancient ancestors, is not the same as the orogin of LIFE. The origin of species has to do with life mutating to other forms; the origin of life has to do with life coming from non-life. I do not think that empirical science has taken an official position on whether or not there was a cosmic Life-Sparker involved; however it would be empirically impossible for them to experimentally ascertain the participation, or lack of same, of such an extra-empirical entity, so it would seem to be a contention the determination of which resided outside the scientific domain.