
Overnight Open Thread

3 wood6/01/2009 5:49:09 am PDT

For those who want government to be more involved in their lives, her comes ObamaCare:

Barack Obama’s health plan takes shape

If Congress were to take a vote on a health reform bill today, Democrats and Republicans would find a surprising level of agreement — so much so that the broad outlines of a consensus plan already are taking shape.

Sick or healthy
, rich or poor, all Americans would be guaranteed access to health insurance.

In fact, they’d probably be required to purchase it — perhaps through mandates in the law that would include stiff tax penalties for anyone who tried to opt out.

Newly created insurance marketplaces would make finding a plan as easy as shopping for cheap airfare. People could keep their coverage, even if they switched jobs. And they might be able to choose between private insurers and a government-backed plan.

But here’s the catch — none of this would come free, with the wealthiest Americans likely to face higher taxes to help pay for coverage for all.

Understand though, that the term “wealthiest Americans” will end up being defined as anybody with a job.