
Malkin Links to 'Buzzworthy' Anti-Israel Rant at White Nationalist Website

Řyvind Strřmmen12/25/2009 5:07:34 am PST
Yes, but because I have knowledge on the subject - fascism - which you have not. For you, “(euro)fascism” is just a term to label everything considered rightwing, “rascist”, “islamophobic” or xenophobic, with the ideological aim of trivializing Anti-Semitism.

Good, we agree that Vlaams Belang is fascist. The other parties focussed on in my book is the French Front National, the MSI and some of its descendant parties in Italy (but not for instance the now closed-down Alleanza Nazionale of Fini, which did contain Eurofascist elements, but still developed ideologically in such a way that calling it Eurofascist would be highly misleading), the Swedish Nationaldemokraterna and to a certain degree also Sverigedemokraterna, the British BNP, the German NPD and the Flemish Vlaams Belang. In addition I would include several Eastern European parties, but those are not covered (much) in my book.

Now, you have obviously not read my book on Eurofascism, and it does not seem like you have actually read my comments here and elsewhere either; amazing, since we have been debating for a while now.

As I have said many times before, there is a number of populist right European parties, such as the True Finns, the Swiss People’s Party (SVP), the Danish People’s Party, the Dutch PVV and the Norwegian Progress Party which are surely xenophobic, but not fascist. The SVP, for instance, is conservative, nativist and isolationist - but it’s not Eurofascist; something I have noted both in comments here and in articles on the topic (articles I don’t really expect you to have read, since they’re in Norwegian).

With the academic competence you claim to possess, one would expect you to criticise my work based on what I actually write and my opinions based on what I actually say. Instead you choose to criticise your own fairytale version of me. I’m quite used to that, and It’s amusing for a while.

For instance, you seem to believe I think Anti-Semitism is focussed on Muslims, something which I have never written, never said and furthermore, something which is far from my opinion. Anti-Semitism target Jews, and the tendency to include other Semitic ethnicities in the concept is not one I agree with, and one I see serious problems with.

If you had read my actual work and my actual comments, even comments made in our recent discussion, you would have also discovered that I am not particularily fond of the term “Islamophobia”, because it’s a very unclear and very often misused concept. If you read certain blogs - for instance - you could get the impression that criticizing Wahhabism or opposing radical Islamist is Islamophobia, and that renders the term rather useless.

The fact that you have not read my work is also painfully clear from your claim that I only point out the connections between different groups (which is of course of great importance; as it shows the close ideological bond between them).

I have also have written quite extensively on the shared ideological background for Eurofascist parties, including - but far from limited to - the influence of nouvelle droite-thinking (found also in the NPD, but more so and more directly so in REP and DVU). And I’m not the only one, these ideological influences are quite solidly described in a long list of articles written by anti-fascists, in Verfassungsschutz-reports and in academic works. While the NPD is not a NR-party, the ideological influence is clear, in spite of the early NR-movement in Germany being highly critical of the NPD.

In addition to the ideological influence, found in concepts such as “Ethnopluralism” and in adaptation of the Gramscian idea of winning hegemony, as adapted by the Benoist, several rather notable NPD members have been directly and closely involved with the NR-movement; far from limited to Molau.