
Another Investigation Exonerates the 'Climategate' Scientists

Aceofwhat?7/07/2010 4:49:44 pm PDT

re: #370 Obdicut

All I know about them I know through Lee S. Langston, who is a gas turbine promoter but is relatively unbiased, as far as I know.


He thinks they’re ambitious but likes them.

Personally? I’m not in the least qualified to judge efficiency of reactor designs.

Huh? That article discussed a pebble-bed design in South Africa, unfortunately one I hear they’ve recently abandoned.

I’m talking about Liquid Fuel Thorium Reactors.

quick summary:

1) You start with a fluoride salt. In this reactor it will be heated so much that it melts.
2) You dissolve thorium fluoride in the liquid salt.
3) Thorium-232 absobs neutrons and turns ino Uranium-233.
4) The Uranium-233 fissions and produces heat plus more neutrons.

Advantages include:

1) There is no pressure – unlike traditional nuclear reactors which contain high pressue steam. So the reactor cannot explode.
2) The fuel does not need to be shaped into pellets
3) The reactor can add fuel and remove waste at any time
4) There are no weapon-grade materials involved
5) Thorium is abundant and most of it is used up in the reaction
6) The fission products are relatively benign and short-lived compared to those of a traditional reactor.