
Overnight Short Film: The Day Wonderland Stood Still...

lawhawk10/01/2013 7:17:35 am PDT

York is reporting that there’s a group of about 200 GOPers ready to sign on to a clean CR.

Essentially, the remaining TPExtortionists are threatening them with retribution if they cross the line and accept anything other than a defund/delay/destroy Obamacare package. So, this group remains hostage (and for some it might be cowardice, for others sticking with the party line, and some are just idiots) to the TPExtortionists who are driving this crisis.

And make no mistake - the TPExtortionists are the ones driving this crisis. But for their insane demands to delay, defund, and destroy Obamacare, the CR would have been passed and even the debt ceiling would have been addressed in timely fashion.

The TPExtortionists are all about destroying Obamacare. And they’ve got the rest of the GOP leadership by the balls.