
New From Seth Meyers: "It Must Really Suck to Be That Dumb" [VIDEO]

ObserverArt4/12/2019 1:43:35 pm PDT

re: #382 Blind Frog Belly White

But they’ll be the first to tell you they were ‘trained in science’.

There’s a reason Scientists are mostly liberal and engineers are far more likely to be conservative. Science is about uncertainty, about embracing the knowledge that even a p value below 0.05 doesn’t mean you’re not wrong.

A LOT of people are more uncomfortable with uncertainty than they are with being wrong.

I was discussing this with a friend who’s a biblical literalist, who told me his worldview was on rock solid ground because it came from God. I told him there is no God, and that the only thing one can be certain of is one’s own existence, and that we can each only infer that reality is in fact real. But if we treat it as though it were, it responds appropriately, so it’s a reasonable working hypothesis. He couldn’t understand how I could possibly tolerate that much uncertainty. He needed the certainty of a deity for the world to make sense to him.

Uncertainty is every day. Ask your friend if he knows what is coming next as far as his health, the weather, what others are going to ask of him, what accident he may be facing in the future, etc.

It is all uncertain…and his God isn’t going to let him know either.

So what certainty does his intelligent God bring him? None.

He is basing everything on faith and faith has no certainty, only a hope. And everyone, believers or not, have hopes.