
New From Seth Meyers: Rudy Giuliani's Insane Press Conference; Trump Tries to Steal Michigan

William Lewis11/20/2020 9:31:14 am PST

It’s Payday! Or bill paying day for Bill…
Paid the rent, paid the interest at the pawn shop, ordered a gig bag for my recently acquired acoustic guitar and wandered around a bit.

No ammo at any of the places in town - the nutjobs are still stockpiling for the hordes of non-whites to come boiling out of the big cities I guess.

The local food pantry gives a $8 voucher for meat at a couple of places in town every holiday season. I stopped at the best butcher shop in town and picked out a nice big chunk of sirloin that I had them cut in two (Thanksgiving and either Christmas or New Years, depending) and the voucher covered about half of the kilo of steaks.

Then swung by the liquor store to get rum and beer. While in the checkout line I noticed that they had a couple of bottles of Stoli in the clearance cart. $20 instead of $30+ for a 750ml bottle & I the extra so why not? I tossed the bottle in the freezer and I’ll crack it open for a nice ironic celebration on 1/20/2021 :D