
Colbert: Biden Visits His Happy Place, and Trolls Overrun TFG's New Social Network

Hecuba's daughter10/23/2021 11:14:55 am PDT

re: #351 jaunte

From the article:

A participant on the call, Michigan state Sen. Ed McBroom (R), recalled listening as Trump, Giuliani, Eastman and others described the power state legislators have over the certification of electors. “I didn’t need any convincing about our plenary powers,” McBroom told The Post. “I was listening to hear whether they had any evidence to substantiate claims” of significant voter fraud that could change the results in Michigan. The callers did not provide additional information, he said, and he did not support a delay in the electoral vote count.

As we know, the GOP usually projects their crimes onto others. So my question, is it possible that the Trump consiglieres were confident about stealing because they did in fact “steal” many votes, perhaps enough to affect the outcome in other races? Most of the cases brought to light were one-off situations but a sufficient number of these can change results. Let’s never forget the 2018 North Carolina election fraud case in a Congressional race.