
Video: Anti-Mosque Mob Turns On Black Union Carpenter

elbruce8/22/2010 6:19:17 pm PDT

re: #361 swamprat

I also question the “taste” of building this thing. And I chaff about soft-pedaling the fact it is a mosque, even though it has load of bells and whistles. (still a mosque).

Vision Statement:

Park51 will be dedicated to pluralism, service, arts and culture, education and empowerment, appreciation for our city and a deep respect for our planet. Park51 will join New York to the world, offering a welcoming community center with multiple points of entry.

With world-class facilities, a global scope and strong local roots, Park 51 will offer a friendly and accessible platform for conversations across our identities.

Mission Statement:

New York deserves its reputation as a peerless center of arts, culture and ideas. Park51 honors and furthers that tradition, envisioning a community center for all of us, bringing the best of the world to New York City, and New York City’s energy, diversity and aspirations to the world. Park51 will become a model for future institutions, with its inclusive focus, outstanding facilities and dedication to social needs. To realize this mission, Park51 will:

Uphold respect for the diversity of expression and ideas between all people

Cultivate and embrace neighborly relations between all New Yorkers, fostering a spirit of civic participation and an awareness of common needs and opportunities

Encourage open discussion and dialogue on issues of relevance to New Yorkers, Americans and the international reality of our interconnected planet

Revive the historic Muslim tradition of education, engagement and service, becoming a resource for empowerment and advancement

Connect New York’s communities to global ideas and trends

Commit to social justice, dignified human development and spiritual growth for all
Pursue the development of American Muslim identities, engaging New York’s many and diverse Muslim communities and promoting empowerment and compassion for all

Build partnerships and relationships with key actors and institutions who share our values, to address shared needs and solve common problems

Establish a state-of-the-art green facility that will serve as a model and inspiration for sustainable space, helping to advance sustainable living in urban contexts

Empower our communities with the skills and knowledge they need to advance in their various life stages

Provide financial assistance for those in need, offering subsidies for our programming and scholarships to reach new audiences and further our vision

Frankly, if we’d had some more of that before 9/11 happened, it might have helped to prevent it from happening. In the long run, Park51 is going to do more to help prevent terrorism than any amount of sign-waving bigots.

Sounds like good taste to me.