
Cyberstalker Chuck C. Johnson Announces "Fake Rape" Website With Disgraced CTO Pax Dickinson

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines2/08/2016 3:40:37 pm PST

The legendary self-shitting chickenhawk and all round crazy person has really, seriously stepped in it this time:
ADL Calls on Ted Nugent to Remove Facebook Post Targeting Prominent Jews for Supporting Gun Control

New York, NY, February 8, 2016 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today condemned a Facebook post by rock musician and gun rights activist Ted Nugent suggesting that prominent Jewish Americans are behind the advocacy for stronger gun control laws.

Earlier today, Nugent shared a graphic titled “So who is really behind gun control?” on his Facebook page. The visual featured thumbnail photos of prominent Jewish Americans, including former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Senator Chuck Schumer, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Harvard professor Alan Dershowitz and several others, with each photo emblazoned with the Israeli flag.

This is the image: