
Tonight's Moving Short Animated Film: "Boles"

Targetpractice1/29/2017 10:14:30 am PST

re: #383 KGxvi

In a just and sane world, if 45 comes out and says that he and his administration are going to ignore a valid court order, the House would draw up and approve articles of impeachment by the end of the week, and the senate would remove him within a fortnight

I can only imagine that Ryan and McConnell are now trying to decide whether or not they want to salvage Trump’s ass from this fiasco. They could easily step in and throw Congress’ weight around, but that risks turning his ire towards them and jeopardizing their entire wish list of conservative wet dreams. Not to mention it would throw their already precarious efforts to get his cabinet seated into disarray, as any time taken away from that gives the opposition time to work over purple state Repubs to find enough votes to filibuster the more noxious nominees.