
Trump Abruptly Cuts Off Interview After Saying About His Obama "Wiretap" Claims: "I Don't Stand by Anything"

lawhawk5/01/2017 4:49:44 pm PDT

re: #318 Eclectic Cyborg

The GOP is playing hot potato with the AHCA. Nobody wants to be the poor bastard who takes the blame when it fails.

When it fails again.

The House GOPers want to punt the issue to the Senate, so they get to spread the blame, and then they’ll move on to version 3, which is no less destructive than the prior two iterations.

King’s particularly craven. He says he’s worried about those who have coverage via Medicaid expansion, but he’s not lifting a finger to protect them. Rather, he’s punting.

He’s not alone.

There are other GOPers who know, or have reason to know how they’re willing to fuck over their constituents, and they don’t care. They want to push these extreme changes to a program that works all to sabotage it in ways that will leave millions uninsured and cost everyone far more than they’re paying now.

The only ones who come out ahead? The rich. Everyone else gets screwed.

So why are the GOP doing this? Well, they clearly don’t understand how insurance works - from policy “wonk” Ryan on down. None of them do.