
Hannity's Scaremonger of the Day

Catttt2/16/2009 9:26:21 pm PST

And on topic, this guy is really creepy. It is really important to emphasize how very extremely creepy and bad this man is.

He calls himself a Christian, that doesn’t mean he is a good Christian. He obviously is breaking the spirit and letter of the law that should be, but isn’t, written in his heart by the Holy Spirit. I hate to say that about anyone, but it is unavoidable in this case, and it is necessary.

Just think - Jesus in effect broke many of the laws of his time when he entered the home of a tax collector, sat and talked with sinners, was more than willing to talk to and help them - to protect them.

Jesus’ model of behavoir is the polar opposite of the behavior this so-called Christian is exhibiting. To me, even if you are very orthodox about such things as homosexuality, it is hate the sin but love the sinner. Also, this creep has totally thrown out the window judge not, lest you be judged.