
The Gitmo Myth and the Torture Canard

Guanxi885/21/2009 3:29:58 pm PDT

re: #376 Occasional Reader

And yet many of the religions which we routinely describe as “polytheistic” include “gods” which are described in their own mythology as created beings. (Sprung from the brow of another god, fully armed… for instance.)

re: #380 OldLineTexan

Back to the intentional use of the word “Christian”. I am not involved in defending/defining Greek pantheons in any way.

Yeah, the Olympian gods are a very different kettle of fish than the Lord Almighty. Very different, indeed. I’ve always subscribed to the theory that these Greek tales were a combination of the following:

1) Dimly-recalled tales of great men of old;
2) Poets doing what poets do best - makin’ stuff up;
3) Esoteric instruction in doctrines not meant for public consumption, but essential to the ruling of a human society.

But, what do I know?