
Greenwald: Snowden Leaked Secrets to "Ingratiate Himself to Hong Kong and China"

moderatelyradicalliberal6/25/2013 5:46:26 pm PDT

re: #380 bratwurst

Express your righteous anger if it makes you feel better. I absolutely disagree with the decision myself, but wishing cancer on someone doesn’t accomplish anything. There are LOTS of place online where you can do that and nobody will blink an eye. One of the reasons I like coming here is because it is not normally such a place.

Look. These people are engaging an scorched earth policy against every good thing to expand equality in America and they are not letting up. You wanna play nice and be polite and not wish anything bad on anyone (as if that actually causes bad things to happen) go ahead. We play nice with these people and we get our asses kicked because they hate us. THEY. HATE. US.

Now maybe you aren’t directly affected by this crap but I am. So right now in the immediate aftermath I can’t help the bad thoughts, OK? And since I have no doubt in my mind that these people have great ill will for me and I am done feeling bad about it.