
Enjoy the Coca-Cola Ad That Drove the Right Wing Crazy

Killgore Trout2/04/2014 7:34:03 am PST

re: #377 ObserverArt

Did you (or anyone) really expect anything different? I still think it was mistake in so many ways to waste as many lives and as much treasury for what is almost 100% predictable.

It’s that failure to remember history thing.

I feel so bad for any soldier and his family that lost life and limb over there.

And I am not saying not to go after those that want to destroy us…just not in classic war mode. I think there were other ways.

There were a lot of mistakes made and plenty of blame to go around but I think the core problem with Afghanistan is Pakistan. Porous border providing safe haven for the Taliban in an area the Pakistani government doesn’t even have a desire to control. I think no matter what else we did right or wrong, without dealing with the tribal areas of Pakistan the effort was doomed to failure.