
Donald Trump on Megyn Kelly: "There Was Blood Coming Out of Her... Wherever"

ObserverArt8/08/2015 8:54:55 am PDT

Dark_Falcon if you are still lingering…I saw your comment about CNN having more of the debates and being able to “cash in.”

Do you (or anyone else) think that part of the problem with debates are they become commercialized? And like anything, if money is involved, then also comes manipulation to make as much money as possible which might not be fair to a real debate process.

I got a little feel of that the other night. And now that it is said to be the highest rated event in FOX News history, will everyone now be more concerned how they can amp up those ratings and not care so much about the actual debate.

CNN could well hope to feed a fight like TRUMP vs THE GOP and turn this into a fine mud-wrestling contest…and screw the debate. Fling zee mud!

And non-debate debates become a thing and no one hears an actual debate with policy discussion and our politics goes into a deeper garbage pit.