
Video: Trump Surrogate Cites Japanese Internment Camps as "Precedent" for Muslim Registry

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)11/17/2016 9:52:37 am PST

re: #384 electrotek

Ironic enough, I never supported Kucinich back then. I was a supporter of Wesley Clark because I naively thought by having someone with military experience would help win the election (it was during the Iraq war after all), but when John Kerry was nominated I through my entire support behind him.

I learned that military experience alone does not make a great Commander-in-Chief enough to get elected then.

Yeah, I threw my full support behind Kerry too and it was seeing how many on the left bitched about Kerry not being pure enough soured me. Funny you bring up Clark because it was Michael Moore supporting him for the same reasons you describe yourself as having done so that made me think less of Moore given how he loves to sell himself as Mr. Ideals. But yeah that was a great lesson.