
Times Editorial: The Incredible Shrinking Elephant

Salamantis5/04/2009 11:43:13 am PDT

re: #368 realwest

Hi Sal - sorry I’m late to THIS thread! But the problem I have with your “You should have voted for them because they wouldn’t have signed a Disco Institute crafted stealth creationism-in-public-schools bill into law” makes that a single issue voting. I haven’t got a clue as to what the Dems who were running against Jihdal stood for; they may all have been just swell. But as much as I don’t want ID taught in public schools there are other issues that concern me too.
And frankly MY Republican candidate, Rudy Giuliani, probably won’t run again, although he’s not for teaching ID, and he is for fiscal restraint, welfare to work, lower taxes, individual saftety and other matters dear to my heart, the fact that he is weak on Gun Control kills him with a lot of the Right. And of course his personal life kills him with some folks I’d consider FAR right.
I’m afraid to say it, but it’s this single issue voting that has killed the Republican Party (and a lot of that single issue voting is coming from the so called “religious” right.
We (I am a Republican) used to believe in Personal Freedom. Individual liberty. Smaller Government. Lower Taxes. Free markets. Defense of Country. But then too many Republicans get caught up in single issues. As I said, I think Rudy would have been a great president, if the Republicans had nominated him.
I wish I had an answer to the overall problem with Republicans like Jim Demint who I think honestly feels it’s a big tent if we exclude gays, single women, etc etc etc. To me that’s a pup tent. I do know, however, that Obama is going to lose his popularity once his economic chickens come home to roost - hell cap and trade will help the GOP in PA, OH, MI, all the rust belt states where coal and steel used to be king.
But the single issue voter seems to find a way into Obama’s tent just fine, so maybe I’m wrong about that - but I sure hope not.

Fucking up our nation’s and our childrens’ future by religiously indoctrinating them into sectarian dogmas when they’re supposed to be getting taught science, just so they’ll grow up to be good little fundie voters and elect repressive theocrats, is a cast iron deal breaker for me.