
Klinghoffer Kind of Agrees: 'Darwinism is a Lie Sprung Straight from the Pit of Hell'

ShanghaiEd6/21/2009 11:00:18 pm PDT

re: #371 iceweasel

Oh, yeah. The triumph of the Rage Machine. A marvel to behold. Much easier to focus hate on a person, rather than an idea.

It’s definitely been effective, politically. One oddity to me is that for all the Rage Machine’s power and sophistication, it’s usually at least 5 to 10 years behind current events. The smear moves fast, but the updating leaves a lot to be desired. Such as the recent discussion of Maureen Dowd, and the assumption by many that she was a left-winter rather than a perpetual opportunist.

And “debunking” of certain myths rarely catches up to the myths, but I guess it’s human nature to cleave to the familiar.