
The Video Anthony Watts Doesn't Want You to See

Unakite7/31/2009 11:37:36 pm PDT

re: #367 austin_blue

Oh, for goodness sakes. If they are *consistent* then of course they are stable. Are the seasons stable over time? Warm in the summer, cooler in the winter?

That’s the whole argument of climate change. Has the injection of an additional 100 parts per million of CO2 into the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels fundamentally changed the dynamics of the Earth’s climate? 413 say NO! Several tens of thousands say YES.

What is the risk to us all if we believe the 413? What is the benefit to us all if we act on the recommendations of the thousands?

What is the risk to us if we act on the recommendations of the thousands and they are wrong (as they were 20 years ago)? And by the way there are thousands, NOT 413, who say NO, and some of them are the supervisors of the some of the ones who say YES.