
Danish Conservative Speaks Out on Climate Change

Mad Prophet Ludwig9/21/2009 1:45:49 pm PDT

re: #380 Pianobuff

I can’t speak for 6D, but I read his comments as some general rhetorical suggestions how to verbally engage in topics with others if your intention is to persuade your conversational partner, as opposed to “winning the round”. Two entirely different objectives with two entirely different approaches, quite possibly.

I say this humbly, though, as I’m not sure - so 6 can step on me if the point is different.

Look, I am really getting tired of the whole I attack someone for merely disagreeing with me meme.

You might notice a refutation of each bloody point made by deniers again and again with data and facts.

You might notice that they rarely take the time to read them or think about them - the data given I mean. It should not matter if people think I am saying those facts nicely enough for their sensitive egos to handle.

Real science debates require real science.

Bring it to the table or you have only been insulting yourself.

What your comment and 6D’s comment misses is that it is an insult to argue science to a physicist without actually bringing science. An MD for instance, can only explain that there aren’t four humors again and again, provide evidence of this after evidence of this, only to have it ignored by ignorant spouting cretins, without realizing how fucking insulting it is that these twits are daring to think they have any right to any opinion at all.

So the simple point is this. These are the rules of a science debate.

Bring facts figures, data and analysis.

Otherwise, you are being an ass yourself. If these people actually had the humility to look at the science and presume that just perhaps the scientists knew what they were talking about there would be no problem. However, there is no reason to tolerate stupidity and arrogance.

As to how I handled these two deniers, I responded in even tones and told them to read the facts. I know what the facts are. It is my job to know these things. When they do not look, I also know that they did not look from the stupid stuff that they keep repeating.