
Video: Rachel Maddow and Rand Paul, Part 2

Gus5/20/2010 11:31:36 pm PDT

re: #380 Dark_Falcon

Demolishing the homes of suicide bombers has had some effect for Israel. I’m fond of the idea, but it seems one of the few ways to warn off fanatical attackers. I’m open to a better idea.

It’s different in Israel where in fact it is almost like a police operation. They know exactly which house to target.

Our army is a professional army not a gang of mercenaries. You send out a platoon to get this kids house and send him where? You think they’re going to know exactly which house this kid came from within 100s of square miles? Then kill some livestock while they’re at it?

Odds are they would accomplish two things. They’d destroy the wrong house and they’d kill someone elses livestock. The result would most likely be that you just turned two families that were probably allies of the American troops fighting the Taliban in their area.

It would accomplish nothing and in fact be highly counterproductive.