
Monday Night Jam: Los Lobos, "La Venganza De Los Pelados"

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines7/29/2014 10:14:46 am PDT

re: #375 SteveMcGazi

The last time I was in Orlando FL, I drove past a used Mercedes dealer. I stopped to take a look because it seemed so odd that these cars had the prices painted on the windshields, but where I was used to seeing 750 or 1100, these prices were 48000 and 61000! I wondered how many people would drive up to a used car dealer and spend 40 or 50 k.

I had to take the RR to the dealer in Dallas to get the AC fixed a while back. I wandered into the showroom and checked out some new ones. I don’t especially like them. They have that heavy, squashed down, small window look so typical of luxury cars these days, as though the owners are trying to warn the peasants out of the way while simultaneously concealing their own identities. The inside is really over the top, resembling nothing so much as the waiting room of an upmarket house of ill repute. For their part, the window stickers generated enough shock to comfortably light such a house for a while. I can see an ultra rich hobbyist like Jay Leno dropping that for a car if it has significant historical value, but there is no way I would pay that for a new car. I could buy an airworthy MiG-21 for less, not that I would have any use for it. It might be fun to paint it up in Obama campaign colors and logos and jet around driving RW conspiracy dupes crazy though.