
The Reign of Kindo Tears Up the Studio: "Human Convention" [VIDEO]

Targetpractice12/24/2019 2:32:10 pm PST

Reagan got away with his tax cuts largely because the increased gov’t spending did enough to keep the economy afloat that people didn’t really question why all the well-paying union jobs were going away and being replaced with minimum wage jobs in industries that treat their employees like shit.

Dubya managed to keep people conned for a few years about his tax cuts because the housing bubble made it believable that the stock market’s post-9/11 recovery was finally “trickling down” to the middle class.

But Trump? His runaway spending is not making much of a dent in an economy where the people who most need well-paying jobs are finding none, while the stock market “recovery” only really helps those who are aging out of the economy anyway. Like Dubya, his tax cuts were totally about helping those who needed the least help (i.e. the rich), but unlike Dubya he has no real “recovery” to call his own.