
Sekrit Counter-Jihad Summit Held

Dr. Shalit5/24/2009 7:10:16 pm PDT

re: #344 Kenneth

Obama is now outsourcing torture:

What do you suppose those 10 AQ punks are doing? Trading humous recipes with the Egyptians? Playing backgammon with the Jordanians?

You all knew this was going to happen, right?

Kenneth -

What did you expect? Full U.S. Civil Liberties for Enemy Combatants is a CHIMERA no US Administration “CAN” Allow.
Farming them out - OR - “Double Tapping” them upon capture avoids a lot of Civil Liberties POOP. The ACLU will NEVER sue for the “Wrongful Death” of Muhammad ibn Muhammad. THEY “EARN” NO MONEY THAT WAY. Yes, I SAID IT. And that is all.
