
Romney Testified in 2002 That He Attended Bain Board Meetings

What, me worry?7/13/2012 9:22:12 am PDT

re: #382 HappyWarrior

Exactly, he’s selling his experience at Bain as proof that he’s a job creator and it seems that he’s actually benefited from other people losing theirs. That’s not what people like hearing in any economy especially a struggling one.

And I said above, there’s nothing illegal about outsourcing. Something, if people recall, is part and parcel of the Bush legacy (but we’re not supposed to mention that). Lots of companies did it, but it was never a popular move. We’ve lost entire industries to outsourcing. Namely telephone customer services for technology/internet companies, national banking and most large corporations like Best Buy, Home Depot, etc.

With that said, I don’t think Obama should spend an inordinate amount of time on it. The way he’s doing it, working it into his focus on jobs, is good.