
WaPo Fact-Checker Says Obama "Got Away With" Stating a Fact

Eclectic Cyborg5/14/2013 1:19:04 pm PDT

re: #30 Eclectic Cyborg

One of our state’s GOP congressmen posted the following on Facebook earlier today about the Gosnell verdict:

The first….FIRST reply was about Benghazi.


Here’s another reply to said Facebook post (added emphasis mine):

I just watched CBS news with Scott Pelley because I wanted to see if they would expose OBAMA’s lies from the news conference today(FOX news exposed his lies and they had the proof).Well this is what CBS news said,They only said Obama thinks all the questions have been answered and the Republicans are doing this as a political ploy against him and Hilary Clinton.This is why I only watch FOX news.Most of the liberal media are so biased,and are so for Obama and they won’t say anything against him.This is why most people are believing his BIG FAT LIES.