
Luca Stricagnoli on Seven-String Acoustic Guitar - the Last of the Mohicans

Ace Rothstein3/09/2014 1:16:01 pm PDT

Amazing, via Raw Story:

I do not like this Palin chick
With every word a dirty trick.
I do not like her looks so smug.
I do not like her lying mug.
I do not like her love for guns.
I do not like the way she runs.
I do not like her soundy-bites.
Or the cheating way she fights.
I do not like her flirty ways.
Or how she coyly bashes gays.
I don’t like her religion, no.
Or how she murders wildlife, so.
I do not like this Palin chick.
She has the brainpower of a brick.